
首页» 研究生教育» 导师简介» 张远馥老师简介



作者: 发布时间:2024-02-27





  • 科研方向/分析化学



  • 讲授课程


  • 教育工作经历

2020.2至今   best365体育官方网站  副教授

2012.7-2020.1best365体育官方网站  讲师

2008.9-2011.12   陕西师范大学, 获博士学位

2005.9-2008.6       河南大学,    获硕士学位

2001.9-2005.6       洛阳师范学院, 获学士学位

2021.9至今   陕西师范大学陕西省生命分析化学重点实验室  客座人员

  • 科研项目

1. 国家留学基金项目:国家公派访问学者(加拿大Federico Rosei院士

2. 国家自然科学基金:多功能化纳米模拟酶的构建及高灵敏、高选择性检测纤维蛋白(编号21705066),主持人

3. 山东省自然科学基金:基于功能化纳米材料非标记手性识别的研究(编号ZR2013BQ016),主持人

4. best365网页版登录官方网站科研项目:基于功能化纳米金手性识别发光分析新方法的研究,主持人。

  • 获奖情况






  • 代表

  1. 1. Jinrong Zhang, Yuanfu Zhang*, Yawei Chen, Xue Zhao, Youzhen Hao, Qing Wang Xue, Shuhao Wang, Programming an antibody-peptide sandwich procedure for selectivity and ultrasensitive detection of fibrin using double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) hemp string probe. Sensor Actuator B-Chem, 2023, 379, 133296

  2. 2. Xifang Zhang, Jinrong Zhang, Yuanfu Zhang*, Yinghong Zhang, Tingting Hou, Shuhao Wang. Homing peptide combined with DNAzyme-based ELISA-like assay for highly specific and sensitive detection of fibrin Talanta, 2022, 238, 122995

  3. 3. Zijing Ren, Yuanfu Zhang*, Tao Wu, Qingwang Xue, Shuhao Wang, Simple and sensitive detection of deoxyribonucleic acid using a RecA-GFP fusion protein–DNA filament as probe. Luminescence, 2021, 36,1272–1276.

  4. 4. Yinghong Zhang, Yuanfu Zhang*, Tingting Hou, Rui Li, Qingwang Xue, Shuhao Wang, Homing peptide-based ELISA-like method for the selective and sensitive determination of fibrin. Anal Methods, 2019, 11, 950–954.

  5. 5. Tao Wu, Yuanfu Zhang*, Tingting Hou, Yinghong Zhang, Shuhao Wang, A simple and sensitive fluorescence method for detection of telomerase activity using fusion protein bouquets. Anal Chim Acta, 2018, 1038, 120–125.

  6. 6. Tingting Hou, Yuanfu Zhang*, Tao Wu, Meifeng Wang, Yinghong Zhang, Rui Li, Lei Wang, Qingwang Xue, Shuhao Wang, Label-free detection of fibrinogen based on the fibrinogen-enhanced peroxidase activity of a fibrinogen-hemin composite. Analyst, 2018, 143, 725–730.

  7. 7. Ting Liu, Yuanfu Zhang*, Tingting Hou, Qingwang Xue, Lei Wang, Shuhao Wang, Sensitive fluorescent detection of fibrin based on the inner filter effect of gold nanoparticles. RSC Adv, 2017, 7, 23422–23426.

  8. 8. Yuanfu Zhang*, Jifeng Liu, Ting Liu, Haibo Li, Qingwang Xue, Rui Li, Lei Wang, Qiaoli Yue, Shuhao Wang, Label-free, sensitivity detection of fibrillar fibrin using gold nanoparticle-based chemiluminescence system. Biosens Bioelectron, 2016, 77, 111–115.

  9. 9. Yuanfu Zhang, Rui Li, Qingwang Xue, Haibo Li, Jifeng Liu, Colorimetric determination of copper(II) using a polyamine-functionalized gold nanoparticle probe. Microchim Acta, 2015, 182, 1677–1683.

  10. 10. Yuanfu Zhang, Chunli Xu, Baoxin Li, Yanbin Li, In situ growth of positively-charged gold nanoparticles on single-walled carbon nanotubes as a highly active peroxidase mimetic and its application in biosensing. Biosens Bioelectron, 2013, 43, 205–210.

  11. 11.  Yuanfu Zhang, Baoxin Li, Reducing background signal of G-quadruplex–hemin DNAzyme sensing platform by single-walled carbon nanotubes. Biosens. Bioelectron, 2011, 27, 137–140.

  12.    12. Yuanfu Zhang, Baoxin Li, Chungeng Yan, Lihui Fu, One-pot fluorescence detection of multiple analytes in homogenous solution based on noncovalent assembly of single-walled carbon nanotubes and aptamers. Biosens Bioelectron, 2011, 26, 3505–3510.


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